Welcome to the home of the Sandpoint High School Cross Country team. SHSXC is dedicated to Sandpoint High School Cross Country all year round.


Timing at Practice

During the season we use volunteer timers on interval days. It is important when doing intervals that the runners come close to their target times and have a limited amount of rest in between each interval. It's difficult for the coaches to track all the times, help the runners with form and pace and ensure rest time is followed for all 40+ runners on the team. That's why we would like to have any parent who wishes to help on these days come out and time for us.

At the beginning of practice each parent will be assigned a group of runners and a list with their workout. You will run them through the workout and write down their times for each interval. You will track recovery time and keep them on pace and on task. After the workout you'll give us back the workout sheet so that the coaches can review and assess each runner's intervals and make sure that the target times are correct.

Coming out and helping is greatly appreciated, and I think that you'll find it enjoyable as well. It is always impressive to watch how hard these kids work every single day, and helping with the workout gives you a chance to be part of the team's success.

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