Welcome to the home of the Sandpoint High School Cross Country team. SHSXC is dedicated to Sandpoint High School Cross Country
all year round.
Cross Training
Warm Ups
Workout Ideas
This article has a very good overview of Cross Training. It talks about how it can help, and really where it doesn't help.
There is also a section with some examples of cross training sports for runners. One comment, unless you are recovering from
an injury, cross training is usefull in the off season only. In order to best train for a 5k race, you should be running and
training at your 5k target times. Cross training is beneficial in the summer months when you are preparing a base, maintaining
fitness, and getting mentally rejuvinated.
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There are people who have no bodies, only heads. And many athletes have no heads, only bodies. A champion is a man who has trained his body and his mind, who has learned to conquer pain for his own purposes. A great athlete is at peace with himself and at peace with the world; he has fulfilled himself. He envies nobody. Wars are caused by people who have not fulfilled themselves.
- Sam Dee