Welcome to the home of the Sandpoint High School Cross Country team. SHSXC is dedicated to Sandpoint High School Cross Country
all year round.
Cross Training
Warm Ups
Daily Core
After warm down, we will work on our core body strength. Core strength enhances performance but strengthening muscles
that help endurance for correct form, as well has helping in injury prevention. As the season progresses we’ll extend the
time and number of sets.
Daily Core List
- Runner Pose
- 2 count Crunches 30 count (to start, build to 60)
- Accordians (20)
- L's (sit up) (20)
- L's (pelvic lift) (20)
- Side Thrusts (10 each side)
- Cross Ups
- Wings
- Squigglies (15/10)
- Bicycles (15)
- Obliques (30/30)
- Bridge (60 count)
- Bkwd Bridge Leg Raises (12)
- Frd Bridge Leg Raises (12)
- Side Bridges (30 count)
- Clams
- Single Leg Bridges (15 count)
- Push ups 15/10/5/1
next 5 days
Nothing on the schedule
full schedule
Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
- Buddha